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Verified links

Verified links for your community!

ArkiTech has released their latest Verified Links pages for any token that uses Guardian.

Verified Links Pages are built to convert your community members and visitors to holders. The pages contains the smart contract address and network, all your social media links, your branding (logo, banner), any custom links, and real-time market stats and a native swap and FIAT to token.

How to get started?

Step 1: Add Guardian via to your group

Step 2: Add the bot as an admin to your group

Step 3: Send the command /config in the group

Step 4: Click on +Add Pair and reply to the message with the contract adress

Step 5: Your contract adress has been added to the list of pairs, now you can make your Verified Links page. Click back.

Step 6: Click on the pair

Step 7: Click on Verified Links Page

Step 8: You can now customize your Verified Links Page

Step 9: That's it! Share your URL with your community!

  1. Send the command /config in the group

  1. Click on +Add Pair and reply to the message with the contract adress

  1. Your contract adress has been added to the list of pairs, now you can make your Verified Links page. Click back.

  1. Click on the pair

  1. Click on Verified Links Page

  1. You can now customize your Verified Links Page

  • 🎨 Edit Logo → We recommend uploading any PNG, JPG, GIF or MP4 in a squared format, or 1:1 aspect ratio

  • 🖼️ Edit Banner → Any PNG, JPG, GIF or MP4 in 16:9 or 1:1 aspect ratio

  • 💬 Edit Description → no longer than 280 characters

  • 🌈 Primary color → Please submit hexadecimal value (hex code), e.g. #000000 for black. Feel free to use an online color picker

  • 🌑 Theme → Switch between light or dark mode

  • 🔗 Manage Links → Twitter, Telegram, Discord, CoinGecko, CMC, Website and custom links too!

  1. That's it! Share your URL with your community!

Last updated